
The Inner Swine and Day Four

So continuing along in what Hippolyte Lizard called the "single-digit-day-in-August birthday kid" party, tomorrow is the Inner Swine's birthday and HE WANTS PRESENTS damn it, so send him something!

My apolgies to all the single-digit-day-in-August birthday kids born on August 1st. I'm so damn self-referential. I just now went back and corrected the count, in case you've been paying attention and I'll draw a card for August 1st and post it in a bit. Jay-zus! What started out as a sugar-powered fluke is turning into a part-time job.

And now for day four of Tarjeta del Día...

Tarjeta del Días, número cuatro


Tarjeta del Día, número tres

Mexican Bingo

As my life follows the maniacal second hand of the clock around the wheel, falling back with its each jump forward....I have hit upon another wonderful way to squander some of the precious time still left me. It comes as a pledge to you, my few but extraordinary visitors to this distant outpost along the Language Barrier. At least until Friday, which is Hippolyte Lizard's birthday, I pledge to post a card a day from my new Mexican Bingo deck (Juego de Loteria).

If you like the pick, consider it a personal message from the Universe, one whose meaning is know only to you. If not, screw it. Try a fortune cookie instead, but then you’ll have to buy a meal first while the bingo card is free. Don't worry. I’m not going to heavy up on you. I'll stay completely out of the process. The Fickle Hand of Fate will select the card each day. So, without further fuss, here is the first Tarjeta del Día …


Sirenas del Cumpleaños (Birthday Sirenas)... Tarjeta del Días, número dos

Birthday Sirenas

It's my birthday today. I had big plans for a tempered day beginning with a little quite meditation and introspection followed by an powerful visualization for the coming year, followed by a day of inspired work but instead I instantly plunged into a microscopic maze of inter-related details in my website and by the afternoon I was half nuts. Luckily, just then Lee decided to present me with his masterpiece, home-made card and a couple of gifts. Rather promises of gifts (to arrive soon in the mail). Then my son John called from Texas. He's a good boy. We had a nice talk. About five, in spite of my resolve to be sensible, I suddenly wanted a special birthday dinner. So much for low key. We dashed out to the casino, overate then grabbed a half-gallon of ice cream on the way home. Enroute we picked up the mail. A bright, flowered package was waiting from my daughter. She covered all the bases. There was a tiny, blue plastic Mexican Saint's wallet with several teensy photos of saints inside, a pair of kartals (brass symbols used for chanting), a green plastic bug in a small, clear box and a homemade photo magnet of her riding in yet another marathon, er I mean race, and Juego de Loteria (a game of Mexican Bingo complete with great cards). Then Anita called and we had a nice, long chat. Then my daughter called. Delightful day! So... Happy Birthday to all the August 2nd babies and to everyone else....Happy Unbirthday.