
Tarjeta del Días, número siete...up close.

Luck of the draw

Day Seven

Day seven of the single-digit-day-in-August birthday party. At this point it's become like a haunted house I'm entering on a dare. I'm afraid. What if THE HAND is inside? Yes, I'll draw the damn card. In a minute. I just need to calm myself first. Okay, chances are against a fourth appearance of La Mano and besides, I've decided the hand is a good thing, if a bit persistent. And...it's a game anyway. They're Mexican Bingo cards fercrissake. Bingo cards!

I did play an interesting game of War one time. Remember that one? This one particular game was very peculiar. It lasted one round and ended in a stalemate. We both put down exactly the same card every time. What are the chances of that happening?

But, back to Tarjeta del Día. I'm going to draw the card now and will post it in a few minutes. I'm sure it will be a different one today. I mean....really...how long can these silly coincidences go on?


Tarjeta del Días, número seises

The Hand...for the THIRD time.

Okay .... now I actually am a tiny bit spooked. The card for today is ... again ... The Hand. Third time in a row. Now let's get one thing straight. I really do shuffle the deck and I draw the card with my eyes closed. And there are fifty-six cards in the deck. So what are the odds that I pull the same card three days in a row? I'll tell you. Slim. The bug and I are a little concerned you think this game is fixed so we called in three character witnesses to vouch for us. They have put their personal reputations on the line to back us up. You many not believe me, the bug, the lizard or the dog but at least, for god's sake, you can trust Shakespeare. That's red ink on his cheek. He's been filling in around the Ashabot until I can find a new proof-reader to replace Orbalina. Plus, I'm from the great state of Nevada. We take our gaming very seriously here. This is a bonafide true and balanced wheel folks. Fate has spoken. La Mano is the official Tarjeta del Día, número seises.

So, it's Hippolyte Lizard's birthday. Happy Birthday HP! Looks to me that, along with The Inner Swine, the Hand of God is on your brow. Whew! Esteemed company. And Happy (Un)Birthday to everyone else, as the case may apply. No offense, but I can't wait for this damn party to be over. Three more days to go. I'm really hoping that tomorrow I'll get a different card. I don't think I can take much more of this.


Tarjeta del Día, número cinco
Sniffing the hand that feeds it?