
Backfire in Iraq

Casualties in Iraq

Bush's big gun war on terror totally backfired but this idiot hasn't got the brains or the balls to admit it. He led us into a dead end yet insists we "stay the course". He's too stupid to see that, like the government's war on drugs, this war on terror boomeranged, increasing rather than decreasing the problem. In fact, if you compare them, it's clear that both "wars" use the same strategy, blast the hell out of an enemy that multiplies on contact.

Regan's War on Drugs:
  • Making drugs illegal automatically fosters an insanely profitable, irresistible underground economy that will only deflate when drugs are legalized and regulated.
  • This so-called war spawned a costly yet ineffective bureaucracy that is now entrenched in a sick, symbiotic relationship with the underground drug culture.
  • This loop is self-perpetuating.

Bush's War on Terror:
  • Terror is a feeling. You can't wage a war on a feeling.
  • The Bushites nurture a culture of terror in order to get support and funding for their "war on terror".
  • Bush's "big gun" approach to the terrorist underground kills and maims more innocent citizens than terrorists.
  • The survivors feel resentment and rage towards us and sympathy for the terrorists as "freedom fighters".
  • People in other countries increasingly share this rage and resentment towards the US.
  • This loop is self-perpetuating.

There's no quick fix. Iraq is now mired in a civil war. Bush's legacy. It could last for generations. Oops. But I'm not one to pine in silence waiting for an invitation to share my opinion...

My action short list:
  • Bring our troops home now.
  • Leave diplomats there.
  • Clean house here.
  • Impeach Bush and Cheney now.
  • Throw them into a big hole like say ...
  • San Quentin
  • Throw fascist buddies including Rove and Rummy in after them.
  • Throw the key away.
  • Renounce US imperialism.
  • Rebuild America.

    My motto


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