
The Polite Press


Don Winslow, @donwinslow, just posted this video on Twitter. It's agonizingly years behind necessity but still an extremely important message.

I don't know about you, but I've been yelling THAT'S A LIE! at TVs, my laptop, and phone since Trump first came down that escalator on his way back to Hell but, on no! The Polite Press magnified his lies, paved his road to the White House with them. Poisoned and broke America with them.

Hey Polite Press! Stop being enablers and become the reporters you started out in life to be. Butch up! Get real! Take this son of a bitch on! Do it! Tell the fucking truth to his face, on camera, in print, every time he lies! Trump has no power unless you give it to him. This is war. Which side are you on?


Roy said...

I'm with you. It drives me nuts.
I did see one occasion where Paula Reed (CBS) at a press conference repeatedly called Trump out on one of his lies (in this case a repeated attempt to alter reality and claim credit for the Veteran's Choice act which Obama put in,) and Trump abruptly ended the conference without answering her, and the rest of the press pool applauded her--loudly. And I'm sure Trump heard it. Baby steps, I guess.

Roy said...


However, I just looked some stuff up and found that the cheering was from a group of Trump supporters, possibly, who always stand at the back, behind the reporters, but it still sounded like spontaneous clapping when Reid first asked the question.
What really drives me crazy is how elusive information seems to be with so many sources from all directions.