
Mexico to Montana

We're back in Nevada but only temporarily. We're leaving for Montana next week to see my son off. His National Guard unit has been deployed to Iraq. Damn this government! Because of these neo-conservative republicans (read: Corporate/Nazi Scum) we are already in the tar pit up to our tits and these bastards keep sending more people and more money...to clean up the mess they made. This election, Bush and his cronies have GOT to go!!!

This is my son's second tour of duty over seas as it is for many of the others. In all, forty-five hundred people are going from the Oregon/Idaho/Montana area, an event which is being conveniently ignored by the media whores. If you supported the war in the beginning, okay. The Washington War Lords got one over on you. They are experts in provoking and manipulating fear and confusion. And they are very scientific about they way they present their ideas and so-called facts. One thing I find amusing about them is their compulsive use of "patriotic" backdrops for media appearances but then what do I know? And hell, it doesn't hurt their cause that they are cold-blooded liars. But as the old saying goes, "The first time, shame on you. The second time, shame on me." The Bush Machine hijacked the first election. Don't let it happen again. Even if you're not a democrat, vote democrat this time. We can sort the rest out later.


Don said...

The experience of war for the soldier is never related to how or why the war was started. I hope your son comes back healthy and safe and regards his tour as a generally positive experience.

I like your blog and have linked to it for quite awhile. Now that you have commenting I can tell you!

Anonymous said...

I too wish a safe return for your son, and am also glad for the chance to tell you I enjoy your blog.


asha said...

Thanks to both of you for your kind words regarding for my son's deployment to Iraq, along with the 4500 other people from our region; this in the face of more lies today from the administration that we don't need to send anymore troops there.

Also, I'm glad hearing you both like my blog. No matter how much I love it, it's nice knowing that I'm not writing solely for the wind.