
You Don't Have to be Smart to be Mean

Finch and Feeders.

Case in point. I bought a cheap ass bird feeder the other day for the finches. Now finches are in need of a little TLC. They are those tiny song birds about 2 inches tall and, due to all the development and in particular the neighborhood cats, they are disappearing at an alarming rate. So a while ago I bought them a bird sock. They love it. The problem is the bigger birds love it too, gobble the seeds and in the process, drill out the holes. So I bought this cheap ass tube. It's clear plastic with four feeder posts. You can easily see the seed through the tube but the only way to get at it is via the slits made exclusively for finches. I envision a day when only the tiny song birds will dine at the tube. Of course they all hate it and have, for the most part, been ignoring the damn thing. The bag is much more bird-friendly. It's made of soft, perforated material they can easily cling to and nibble to their hearts content. And sometimes I think they riding the bag in the windjust for the fun of it. Anyway, I am slowly weaning them off of it. I only fill it a little bit and letting it hang empty for a while everything it gets empty. The result is that gradually the finches are using the new feeder and the larger birds are going elsewhere.

But not the dummy. This afternoon, two finches were eating from the new tube and one big guy. One big, dumb guy. He was pecking at the clear plastic and couldn't figure out for the life of him why he wasn't getting what what he so clearly saw right in front of him. He's like George Bush. Bush's words and actions don't match either, they don't even make any sense. Anyway, sorry for the slip into politics. Where was I? Oh yes. Birds. The other day the dummy noticed that the finches were getting seed, so he reached over, pecked them away then went back to the pecking at the outside of the tube. Dumb and mean. Like Bush.


Dean Whitbread said...

You asked me why I write about the 2nd rate.. it's possibly for a similar reason that you feature GW Bush so much and write about him. He's appalling.. you make valid commentary on how and why. It's OK to write about the degraded parts of our lives (including bad politicians) and to examine the bad as well as the good.

Thanks for the movie. I hope Kerry lifts his game and wins... :)


asha said...

Good point. You're right. Bush IS appalling. To call him second rate is to HIGHLY overrate him. Generally I don't write or post or waste my time thinking about politicans. I'm involved in this election just because Bush is so appalling and dangerous. Otherwise, I'm committed to refining my own vision. But you're right. The good, bad, beautiful and ulgy are all fair game for the artist. I just like to stir things up. ;)

Glad you liked the movie. As for Kerry... yes, he need to step up. Hope he does, even if he is Bush lite. Bush is that bad.