
Plonk's legacy

Now that it's warm out and we're sleeping with the windows open, the early morning pigeons visiting my bird park are waking us up very early. This morning I shooed them off and promised Mr. Lee I'd stop tossing seed randomly in the grass, at least until things cool off again. Sadly, I've lost track of Plonk in all this. It's a long story.

I have to admit, I'm a bit embarrassed by all the pigeons that drop by for breakfast. I think they're a great bird but they do suffer from a bad wrap. Besides their kind of crazy group-coo (too many horror movies), the problem is that they hang out with humans and have a bad reputation because of it. People blame pigeons for being dirty but the fact is pigeons are just people tolerant. People are the dirtiest, most polluting creatures on the planet but still look down on pigeons. Swans hang out it parks but manage to stay aloof and enjoy a certain mystique. I'm hard pressed to think of one bird more tolerant of humans, other than buzzards.

Seeing so many pigeons outside my window, I have come to a new appreciation for their sense of style. They don't wear drab uniforms. I'm visited by white pigeons, black pigeons, metallic green, purple, silver, and blue ones plus all the regular muted beige, sienna, mauve, plum, yellow, cream colored "ordinary" ones mixed in. That is all.

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