
Primeval Tide

Following links today, I found an alarming article on DailyKos by Mike Stark called "The scariest fucking thing I ever read." I decided to read it. Perhaps I'm getting inured to bad news. I don't know. I don't think so but today I thought what the hell? Might as well start at the bottom. So I read it. It's scary.

I don't want to force it on you. After all, you might prefer squinting at reality today and resent being snapped into sharp focus. Besides far be it from me to force anything. No. In these twisted times knowledge is optional. All I'll say is that it starts out like this:
"From Jeff Wells ' terrific Rigorous Intuition, I was tipped to this Climate Ark article."

Personally I suggest you go ahead and click one of links, either The scariest fucking thing I ever read, Rigorous Intuition or, if you're somebody who insists on going directly to the source, Climate Ark. But it's up to you.

I'll give you a hint though. The lock is broken. Beware the primeval tide.

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