
Reality gap and check

Snake eating its own tail.

Jane Smiley wrote an excellent article for the Huffington Post today entitled Not Only the Worst President, but the Worst Possible President". It's not new to call Bu$h mad or the worst President ever but her article is insightful and refreshing none the less and I recommend reading it.

Although I have been telling myself for the last couple of hours to back away from the computer, I couldn't resist commenting on several threads I read this morning or reposting some of those comments here. After this, I am going to get up and get out...I swear!

#1: The word Karma has a simple definition: CAUSE AND EFFECT. Undoubtedly Bu$h is a madman but he is also a war criminal and should be tried for his crimes, along with Cheney, who is mad but competent. Unfortunately, because we have let them run unchecked for so long, we have earned a fair share of the karma (reaction) their actions have generated: hatred, mayhem, poverty, violence, retaliation, breakdown, failure. It is a toss up whether man or nature calls us to account first but, even at pennies on the dollar, payback could be pretty uncomfortable.

But not only is Bu$h a madman conjuring war and catastrophic, global climate change, he has dragged us into a dizzying level of debt. In fact, this asshole has redefined monetary vertigo and disintegration. It is by the way not coincidence that the Chinese have a trillion plus foreign exchange reserve, up 30.22 percent from last year. The Bu$h boys are selling America piece by piece right out from under our feet.

#2: Bu$h's reality check has bounced. Known cost of his War o' Terror to date: $1.2 Trillion and climbing and that's only counting the money. The hidden and not so hidden costs are incalculable but here's a little visual to illustrate just how much ONE TRILLION DOLLARS actually is compared to the money in your pocket or bank account, or that inheritance you're waiting for that will probably be consumed by unprecedented health care costs.

And that's just money. The human, animal and global costs are incalculable.

Okay, so much for the doom and gloom. Life is still good. Earth will probably survive us. It's another blue sky day here in Nevada. Here in the Bird Park, quail are having another dust bath party in the back yard and the pigeons have been cold tubbing on and off all afternoon.

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