
July afternoon

Life in a tea kettle.

This is a busy month. My daughter's upcoming wedding holds the spotlight. It is now 20 days and counting until the grand event! It's going to be really lovely.

We're staying home over the 4th (too crowded everywhere) but before the wedding, if we can, we're going to take a short run to see how the new off road trailer that has been Lee's backyard project since last summer, shakes out.

This photo, life in a tea kettle, is from a camping trip we took a couple of years ago. Lovely trees, eh? You'd never know it but this verdant riparian hideaway is very close to Area 51, so I'm including this little video by Chinodavis as compliment. Enjoy the mystery.

As close to Area 51 as you will ever get


msb said...


asha said...

Hi Barbara! I take it you made it home safely.

msb said...

Yep. Finally

Roy said...

You know if an alien had stuck his head right in front of the camera at the end there, I would have had a heart attack.

Interesting video, though.

Anonymous said...

that was a great little movie