
Bottom of the Barrel

The most recent Bird Park member of note is a fellow named BoB (Bottom of the Barrel). You could say he fell from hell.


My guess is that BoB, being a feisty little dude with catlike bounce, managed to wiggle out of the talons of a passing hawk, fall from the sky and (luck upon luck) land in the soft dirt of the Bird Park. In any case, I found him chirping his long string of shrill prayers and curses from the woodpile at the top of his voice with excruciating, ear-rending fury. He became deathly still when I lifted the boards. I wish I'd remembered my camera but, for all the anxiety I caused, I tucked a few peanuts in and let him be.

This morning I heard what turned out to again be BoB, or more exactly the sound of his head hitting the locked lid of a barrel from the inside. It would have been BoB's Last Stand because, after clawing and wiggling his way into the barrel, he did not have the leverage to scratch and chew his way back out. Thump THUMP.

At first I didn't know where the sound was coming from. I looked out the window but, seeing only a few birds walking around, I went back to my computer. Thirty seconds later....


I leaned to the glass and looked up and down the way. Nothing. I sat back down.


I looked again. Again...nothing.

Then, just as I was turning away I saw from the corner of my eye, the bird seed & crow kibble barrel rock wildly back and forth. This time I took my camera.

About 20 minutes after getting poured out of the barrel and scampering under the house, BoB sauntered back out into the Park for a leisurely sip from the pool.

Willy, the first Bird Park squirrel,
making the most of his brief tenure.

I don't know what happened to Willy but I do know that this is not the best place for fat little guys without wings. Even the cats are potential hawk snacks, the gods forbid. Those bastards better stay sharp. As we know, everybody is food for somebody.


Roy said...

Pleased to meet you, Bob. Take it easy.

asha said...

I'll pass that along. I hope he takes your advice.

Anonymous said...

Please tell us more about BoB- what is he thumping on now. from the photos it looks like his back legs don't work too well.

Does BoB have special needs? Have you contacted ASPC?

how does BoB get along with the crows in the Park? Crows never forget a face you know.

asha said...

LB: MY GOD! You could be right. Bob may be hurt although, I believe, in that photo he was stretching. No, I haven't contacted any wild rescue organization. It crossed my mind but he seemed okay. Thanks for the heads up. Too bad we are leaving on Saturday for a week or so. I'm going out right now and put more peanuts out for him.