
Day's end

Long day come to an end. Obama spoke at the memorial in Arizona today and he did a fine job but, like he said, "words cannot express". I did the moment of silence NASA held.

In his excellent article at Slate today (Palin Failed the Test), and indeed she did, John Dickerson linked a poem on grief by Philip Booth, "Sorting it Out". It's universal, not heavy handed. Just describes what we live with after everything is said and done.

Anyway, the flu/food poisoning whatever got bad for a while and now seems to be on the wane. Tonight I got to eat cheesy bread. It's that silver lining thing when you're sick, things you get to eat because you can't. Well, that's about all the news from out here along the language barrier. Next chance you get, be kind to someone in another species.

Oh, and in case you missed it, the score in the inter-species contest Man vs. Dog is

Dogs:1 / Humans:0


Kimberlee said...

Ha! Diesel won't eat celery I try to get him to clean up when Reid drops the veg sometimes but he won;t go near celery?

asha said...

Even so, I wouldn't go up against Diesel in an eating contest. The only hope I see for restoring the collective honor of our species in a eating playoff against the dogs would be Mr. Lee.

Kimberlee said...

Diesel is a force I think Mr. Lee would have to train.