
Barkie says Happy Belated Winter Solstice to the Southern Hemisphere!!!

Thanks Bob for reminding me about our planet's southern hemisphere where yesterday, as we in the north enjoyed the first day of summer, he observed the first cold day of winter.

Barkie says...
...barkbark barkbarkbark...


Roy said...

I'm starting to get the idea that Barkie never really stops barking.

Bob, question: What's your latitude and longitude?

asha said...

Barkie says "bark bark barkbarkbark bark bark..."

But, in his defense, Barkie actually doesn't bark all day. He protests mightly in the morning when he's first put outside for the day. After that he only barks when there is something to bark at, such as the sound of pleasant conversation wafting over to his yard on the gentle summer breeze or the sound of the garage door opening or closing or a sudden sneeze indiscreetly interrupting one of his many afternoon naps.

Roy said...

So Barkie is on a short fuse, so to speak. A hair trigger.

asha said...

He's a firm believer in the hair of the dog.

Bob said...

Thanks Asha!

The Southern Hemisphere. We're here to throw the pagans out of alignment. Must change everything for the seasons!

Google maps -> North Brisbane -> Scarborough -> You can see my house, its roof, if you zoom in across from the Scarborough Technical College. :)

As for the data, that's a good question. Call me Sir Compherence, but I wouldn't have a clue. :) Must look it up. It's Scarborough, north of Brisbane though. Lately gentrified, which LOL has increased the house price quite a lot.
I thought about a month ago I would have to sell, due to my credit card debt. My sister is been helping me out there and that's a relief.
Because it was the family home there has, for me, been an eerie Sand and Fog sense about it. But I've lived in this same house for 52 years --my parents came here when I was about four years old, I sleep in the same bedroom, and used to go to school across the road when it was called Frawley's College, named after the Catholic priest who built the schools down here. If there was a Catholic saint, it was him. I wish he was still around, however he died about a decade ago.