
Squirrel Appreciation Day

The Shipping Squirrel enjoying Squirrel Appreciation Day.

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day
and Inauguration Day for the President of the United States
but let's not forget the little people.
Today is also
National Squirrel Appreciation Day
So get a bag of nuts and head over the your local park.
Time to spread the love!

Frida Kahlo the Squirrel appreciating a peanut


Roy said...

I thought shipping squirrels preferred those styrofoam peanuts.

asha said...

Well, you know squirrels. All due respect, but they'll take anything they can get their sharp little claws on.

asha said...

Well, you know squirrels. All due respect, but they'll take anything they can get their sharp little claws on.

Kimberlee said...

I know it's was squirrel appreciation day but we don;t have them so we fed the ducks instead....and we saw @ muskrats what a highlight!

asha said...

That's really cool, Kiimperlee. Plus a muskrat! Wow.