
Alligator Creek update


I started this in the morning while sitting here on the screen porch drinking coffee but now it's night and I'm back and at it again, this time listening to an exotic cacophony of birds. And, though it's nearly full on night, billowy white clouds are still visible in the sky. As there are no city lights to speak of, I wonder if it's light reflecting off the Gulf? Anyway, we are back staying in the little shack on Alligator Creek. We got in about 3 AM this morning but I'm still on Pacific time so I'm not that tired plus it's really hot. It will take a few days to adjust.

As for South Venice, not a lot has changed. Seems Sonny Boy is still living across the street with his decrepit parents. At least this morning they were all out on their screen porch running it down to each other in very loud, very raspy voices. It was quite the lively discussion. Then a smoking car pulled up and he left and he's not back yet, or at least he hasn't assumed his usual post on the screen porch. Ah well. It's Friday night but I hope he still lives with them. I like hearing the drift of his phone conversations at night and seeing the glow of his laptop through the porch screens. Tonight, it's just me out here on this dead end street sitting in computer glow in the dark that has settled over Alligator Creek. But who knows what's going to happen next? Currently there's a hand-scrawled "4 SALE" sign stuck at a crooked angle by their mailbox. And no matter what, his mom and dad, though miracles of modern medicine, won't be around much longer anyway.

And so far I haven't seen one squirrel. It's only been a day but I have seen two hawks or one twice. When I was here last time this place was a frolicking squirrel playground then Frida was killed by a hawk. I'm afraid I upset the balance by putting all those peanuts out. Will I put peanuts out this time? Yeah. I suppose. Does that bother me? Yes, but I know I'll do it anyway. It's a conundrum. I know it's self-serving but I need/want to have wildlife around.

Other than that, Barky the dog and his family are gone. According to Zillow that house was foreclosed. It's really dark now and I don't see the clouds anymore nor are any birds singing.


Roy said...

Thanks for the very vivid picture of Alligator Creek. I'm worried, though, that if the squirrels have left, along with the Alligator Flossing Professionals among them,the delicate oeconomicus fauna of the immediate region may be upset, and the alligators grumpy.

asha said...

Mmmmmm....good point but don't despair just yet. I got a bag of peanuts today and tomorrow will put some out then we wait. If there are any squirrels within a five mile radius, we should be seeing them by the end of next week. I would hate it if the alligators got grumpy. Not good for anyone.

Don said...

Un grumpy alligators are by definition bad for squirrels, though, right? Or rather, were.

What a fabulous place to get away to, a real neighborhood with real people, described, as Roy said, very vividly. How is such an arrangement made? Should I find myself with time, places to get away to write that are both interesting and cheap would be most welcome.

asha said...

Hi Don. Couldn't agree more. At all cost squirrels and, well, people who like having feet and all, should avoid grumpy alligators. ;)

As for your question, I started to answer it here then decided to do a post on it instead because it's just good general information someone else might also be able to use. However, given the temperature on the screen porch at the moment (89.2 °F- Feels Like 97 °F) I'm moving a little slow but my promise to you is that I will post it and sooner than later provided I am not devoured by a grumpy alligator.

Mr. Donut said...

I prefer a comic as usual but god dammit that was some fine writing. Really conjures up the cracker life. Reminds of me of your old zine from way back.

asha said...

Why thank you, Mr. Donut (whoever you are). You know about my "old zine from way back"? Now I'm scared!