
Desert walk

Yesterday a friend and I went out to the local, very cool, no-kill animal shelter and walked a couple of the dogs. The place is located near the dump and recycling center so a lot of junk blows out of trucks headed for the place. Marie's like me. Can't stand seeing trash in nature so along the way we picked a couple of bags out the sage and managed to stuff them until they were overflowing with garbage. Very satisfying.

Garbage hounds
Bob is a great sport and enjoyed picking up trash every bit as much as we did.

Link and I examine an abandoned but very handy construction.
What is it? A combined hitching post/wilderness bench/hay storage?

Desert spring




Seems to me America has outgrown the two party system. Watching Obama and Clinton duke it out, I'd say the Dems are split beyond repair, which conveniently takes the heat off the Repubs who are themselves only held together by the tattered posters of McCain plastered over their numerous rifts, ruptures, schisms, scandals, war crimes, high crimes and misdemeanors.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying convince you of anything but I do assume that a savvy person such as yourself is, at least in part, as weary as I of this political charade. What the hell? Let the shards fall where they will. I think the differences between the Progressive and Corporate points of view are irreconcilable and make no mistake ... for however many shots she knocks back at the local bar while the press is watching, Clinton represents the Corporate Elite not We, the People.

Sinkin' down

The Cheney/Bushwackers have abandoned America at the legendary crossroads where they made their deal with the Devil. Both McCain and Clinton, Neocon and Neocon Lite, are determined to consummate the deal. I can only hope that Obama actually does represent CHANGE and that he gets elected. We need to reclaim our collective American soul from the deal makers and war profiteers, the torturers and hedge fund traitors, and the rest of the power elite who would trade it finally and forever to secure their "Bottom Line Billions". But not to worry. If nothing else, the planet itself will pull us up short. Something is gonna' give.

Robert Johnson - CROSSROAD


Hillary's lament

A sad, must see response to Hillary's ad
3 AM in Hillary's Neighborhood


In case you missed Hillay's whine* about how she is currently the victim of a vast left wing conspiracy, here's what she had to say about people outside her neocon lite Beltway clique:

"Moveon.org endorsed [Sen. Barack Obama] -- which is like a gusher of money that never seems to slow down," Clinton said to a meeting of donors. "We have been less successful in caucuses because it brings out the activist base of the Democratic Party. MoveOn didn't even want us to go into Afghanistan. I mean, that's what we're dealing with. And you know they turn out in great numbers. And they are very driven by their view of our positions, and it's primarily national security and foreign policy that drives them. I don't agree with them. They know I don't agree with them. So they flood into these caucuses and dominate them and really intimidate people who actually show up to support me."

*Audio clip at Huffingpost

Excuse me now while I go flip MoveOn another two bucks.


Back breaking labors

I'm at Comma Coffee for the moment, relaxing after a Dr.'s appointment. Seems I've been walking around with a fractured spine for a while. Makes sense. I eat an awful lot of Ibuprofen and Tylenol. Yum. Next I have to see a specialist about possible surgery. Better not interfere with our plans to dog sit this summer while my brother and his wife are in London. Three weeks in Seattle! I won't give that up lightly. So anyway...

More photos from the Tonopah graveyard from our recent trip. A fascinating place, history in the nude. The Great State of Nevada was settled by immigrants from all over the world who came seeking their fortune.

Most lived hard, short lives.

The people who settle in Tonopah were no exception.

Given that Area 51 is next door,
you never know who you'll meet in Tonopah
or even which time frame they're from...
past, present or FUTURE.

So, what the hell? For good measure I'm throwing in a UFO video for your viewing pleasure. The narrator claims it could be the "most important video in the history of mankind." Too bad the dummy mispronounces the word Nevada.

Interview with an Alien



Mo's happy ending

After two years at the shelter, and a lot of love and work, Mo finally got adopted yesterday by one of the volunteers at DAWG, the animal shelter  where I also enjoy the privilege of taking walks in the desert with some of the four-legged residents and enjoying their soothing company. It was a happy ending for a poor fellow who just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, doing what pit bulls do so well, fighting to the finish.

A few years ago Mo and Joe found themselves in some serious trouble but, thanks to a network of compassionate people, neither were put down. Instead Joe went to the Reno shelter and Mo lived at the no-kill shelter here. Ironically, most people in America who make mistakes end up in the human "justice" system that humiliates, undermines and better prepares them for more of the same. By their release, many are more desperate and angry than when they came in. Not so for Mo. DAWG volunteers and trainers help animals change their attitude and outlook for the better so Sunday, after a big farewell party at the shelter, Mo began his new life with people who love and know how to provide a safe, sane environment for a pit. For the better part of two years, volunteers simply sat in Mo's cage and read out loud to him. In the beginning, he ran outside as huddled at the far end of his run but the reader kept reading. No one tried to touch him. No one raised their voice to him. They read as Mo huddled and gradually he shortened the distance until, finally, he stood listening at the door. And still the reading went on, with an occasional, "Hello, Mo. Whose a good boy?"

It was a long time yet before Mo would let anyone touch him but finally he did and those few people were finally able to take him for walks in the yard. And so it went. Love and patience won. Today, Mo went home with his new family to his new, forever home.

It seemed to me that Mo was more eager to get out the door and on with it than party, but we humans are a sentimental lot. People that worked with him over the last two years needed "closure" so Mo dutifully sniffed his gifts and pretended to be interested as his humans opened them for him. And he gulped a few treats while people laughed and downed cup cakes and ice cream. Then, finally, Mo when home.

This morning, Mo's family emailed everyone photos from the party and a detailed account of his first day. If you aren't already saturated with cloying sweetness, give it a read. Sounds like Mo is one grateful, happy pooch.

Saying good-bye to the girl at the front desk

Letter from Mo and Family.

Just wanted to thank everyone that came today for Mo's send off and also anyone that wasn't able to attend that has love in their heart for him. I was overwhelmed with all the gifts. Mo and all of us thank you soooooo much. He has been so good. He had his nose right up to the air conditioner almost the whole trip home. (I think he prefers my Honda to ride in as it's easier for him to see out of.) As soon as I got him home Ron's youngest son, Jake and I got him into the shower and started to get him clean. He was being very good so I ran to get the camera and when I got back there was water all over the floor and there he was wagging his tail so hard against the wall that the tip of his tail was bleeding a little. We got him back in and rinsed off. Jake walked him around for awhile then I got him and we laid on the floor together for awhile (of course with all kinds of kisses from him) I think I'll have to invest in a plug in air freshener as he is very prone to gas. He paid little attention to the birds so maybe when we are home he can be in the living room with them (as long as they are in their cages as I don't want to take a chance). Then Mo spent some time in his pen with Ron working on the doggie door. I went out to take him for a pottie break and he didn't want to stay out long and dragged me back inside the house. I had him on the leash and sat on the couch and he jumped up and was rubbing on the couch putting his nose between the cushions and had a great big grin on his face. Ron sat down and Mo went back and forth between us almost standing on his head at times he was being so crazy and happy. Then all at once he stopped and immediately fell asleep. He kept hogging all the couch so I finally sat on the floor. He looked so happy and contented. Well that's it for now. It was such a great day. Thanks again. Nancy

Rupert Murdoch freaks out

Usually things that are too good to be true are too good to be true. I really hope this one beats the odds. Could it be? If so, the guys at Manhattan Media offer us a truly rare peek into the dragon's lair.

Murdoch freaks out


The Huffpo article claims it's a fake Murdoch in the video but the guy looks like Murdoch to me. My take is that "My Wall Street Journal" is a Murdoch publication. Otherwise, why the black set? And isn't it interesting that Murdoch "just happens" to position the paper perfectly for the camera to pick up? Also, it seems to me that the sound quality is too good for a cell phone with which, I assume, this "secret" video was captured. And the guy recording it? Wouldn't he be at the bottom of the river instead posting his catch on YouTube? Now, I feel like a chump for even publishing this the stupid thing but what the hell? It's Monday. So what do you think? Real or fake?



Tonopah in the spring.

Here are a few more photos from my stay in Tonopah last weekend. I have to do this on the fly so will post more later, for the record. I realize that you are all wondering what's new in Tonopah, the town that is rotting in the sun, blowing away in the wind. I will tell you...

HIPPIES of Tonopah

The note in the window reads, "HIPPIE: I waited for 1 1/2 hrs to pick up my cigarettes. You can't make any money if your closed. Ken". Right. I bet Ken wanted to buy "cigarettes". Hippie never did show up but I pressed my camera to the glass and got photos of what's inside.

HIPPIES of Tonopah, town's newest boutique


I hope HIPPIES is open the next time we blow through town. I'd like to get a better peek inside plus I'd like to meet the guy but more likely he will already be out of business.


Lunch among the crows

Before I post more from Tonopah, here's a new clip from the Bird Park. The crow prefers to eat from a dish, in a civilized manner, but he is not too sure about the other guy.

Lunch among crows



Birthday blues

My sister emailed this photo today of our Dad and Mom on his 56th birthday. She's good like that. My brother wrote back that Dad's big round head make him think of Charlie Brown. He was a Charlie Brown, not only in looks but personality though, prompted by my Norwegian pride, I must add... HARD WORKER. A Charlie Brown who made it work anyway. And a good Dad. Andy. Note the giant hands. First generation from Norway. North Dakota homestead raised. Sixth grade education. Quit during plowing time that year. Too much work to ever go back. Married. Loved her big tits. She always said she married him for his dimple. Migrated to Seattle. Steel business. Worked his way up from shipyard welder to plant owner. Raged against slick and sleazy business partners. "Too honest", he would complain. Proved you can't take the country out of the boy. Today would be his 97th, had he lived. Not unreasonable, given that he came from a line of long-lived Norwegians. Grandma made it to 98.

Like my sister wrote, they were so young. Looks like my mother has already enjoyed a birthday toast or two. Ironically, spread before him a feast made up of things that called his early death ... a cube of butter, a platter of flesh, a brimming glass of whole milk and a luscious fat-filled sugary cake. Not pictured: cigarettes and booze. Not included: regular exercise. If only they knew then what we know now, they might both be alive to celebrate this day with us.


Nim Chimpsky

Here is a sad story about a chimp named Nim who, for a brief bright time in his too short life, lived like a boy. I wish this post were an April Fool's joke, but it's not.

Nim after the funding ran out.

“Humanity's true moral test, its fundamental test, consists of its attitude toward those who are at its mercy: animals. And in this respect, human kind has suffered a fundamental debacle, a debacle so fundamental that all others stem from it.” ~Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being


Central America

As some of you missed an earlier post on the subject, thought I'd mention again that we had to postpone our trip to Central America, this after we purchased the airline tickets. The reason is that over the last year and a half, M. Lee has been laying the groundwork for a business proposal and, naturally, his lawyers just informed him that, at this point, he has to be available should his presence be required in court. He could have postponed the proceedings until after the trip but then we'd be in its shadow the whole time. This way, either way, it's done and we can go celebrate or lick our wounds. So it goes. We're hoping to go in the fall, i.e. hurricane season instead of malaria season.

But we are trying out our new backpacks this weekend. Just a short trip to Oregon. However, I will be forced to cheat because I must bring the laptop, a luxury that will be denied me when we go south. One should not rush austerity.

Life in the desert

Here are a few photos from my recent walk with a couple of shelter dogs. This next disheveled place was perhaps once a lean-to someone built for themselves. Sadly, they violated the first rule of home making. Even birds know it. I realize the details are not very clear but can you guess what the rule is? Here's a hint. That blue in the corner is not fallen pieces of sky.

Next, Capt. Jack and I came across this interesting skeleton, perhaps the remains of a coyote complete with what may well be it's dying crap. It seems there's a theme developing here but it's not my intention to gross you out. I simply want to share the walk with you.

Eva (aka Mama) enjoying a moment in the sun away from her puppies but she didn't want to leave them for long. I have developed a new appreciation for pit bulls and pit mixes since I started volunteering at the shelter. Mama is absolutely as sweet as they come.


I'll be watching you

So what's so bad if our personal information is available to the public, government and corporate sectors, you know... things like our shopping habits, vacation history, magazine subscriptions, library and medical records, entertainment choices ... all that stuff? Get a load of what the Bush neoconservatives setting up behind our backs while we're busy living our lives. Forward to 01:21 in this video.

A short, entertaining portrayal of the new consumer environment at 01:21
for a peak at just who really have THE MONEY: 1:10:34

The lyrics of this song by Sting are particularly chilling in the information age:

Every breath you take
And every move you make
Every bond you break, every step you take
I'll be watching you

Every single day
And every word you say
Every game you play, every night you stay
I'll be watching you

America: Freedom to Fascism


Jerry's ball machine

lamgngo built this very cool machine for his very cool cute little Dachshund, Jerry. The little boy in the video is also very cool and cute. And that's probably his very cool and perfect mom downstairs playing the piano. They are all smart and wonderful and live in perfect world we can only dream about but you'll just have to get over it and join in the fun. Go on. You know you want to.

Jerry's ball machine



Out the window

Comma Coffee yesterday

I want to do everything at once. That is always a problem for me but, like today, after too much coffee ... things get out of hand. I don't know who directs traffic in your head, but in mine it's a hive of bees. And my thoughts are like bees. Bees directing bees. The things I need to do get lost in the shuffle or, at the very least, deeply resented, like today, after a bunch of bees swarmed the pedals and start peddling. So, what do I do? A blog post.

We have postponed our trip to Central America. Business matters. M. Lee can't go until they are resolved. So be it. First things first and all that. This way we avoid malaria season. Instead, we can look forward to visiting the region during hurricane season. That's what we did last time. I guess it's a tradition. Anyway, I'm not sure which would be worse, chased by a hurricane or a mosquito.


Edible art

Recently I started volunteering at the local (no-kill) animal shelter and naturally I bring my camera along whenever I'm walking with one of the dogs. Last Friday Cookie and I explored this stripped down, shot up, long abandoned jalopy. It's full of nests, one where the engine used to be, two or three on the floor inside, a small one tucked away in the glove box, and big ones under both rear fenders. Cookie ate an old spine she found in one of the nests. Big treat.

Found sculpture

Found art

Another view.

Up close, where the nests are, were. I doubt
the jalopy is a safe place to raise one's young
since humans moved into the neighborhood.

The jalopy smiles.

Not a good getaway car.

Cookie finds a spine.

Edible art. Crunch time.



Reality check

As we will be spending part of the summer in the so-called developing world, I found this snippet via Drongomala a timely reminder of the kinds of places we will be staying. I feel sorry for the tree. It was just having a nice morning then...

"Reality TV" from India


Wednesday outtakes

Yesterday I ate lunch in the Carson City cemetery. I don't know if it's a casino driven policy but Carson City doesn't have a park. I've been in funk lately and, other than the library, the graveyard is the only place in town where a person can sit undisturbed for free. But I like visiting graveyards whatever my mood, puts things back in perspective. Plus tombstones, in few words, tell some interesting tales. Seems, like me, ol' Asa Wilson loved elephants and I couldn't help smiling at his epitaph. His sense of humor transcends his death.

A sourdough's word to wise

Conveniently, the senior center is located just across the street. I imagine over-medicated walker and wheelchair assisted patrons lunching in a dreamy haze, gazing out at the graves. It's an end of the line cafeteria and bus depot to the beyond combined with a convenient thrift store where travelers can check their worldly goods before departure.

Rules for the living

These dogs made my day.

Six dogs in a car



Looking for a little inspiration? Wisdom? Want to be amazed, fascinated, inspired, dazzled by beauty or looking for a laugh? Check out the TED archives. You're in for some fun ...


Simple truths

Hillary is a dick.


The day that doesn't exist

...or does it? Happy Leap Year Friday!



St. Charles Hotel:
"the only hotel in Carson that is
lighted exclusively by electricity.
Best $1 a day house on the coast."

As I am not having a pajama day like some around here, know that I am doing this post to avoid doing what needs to be done, that I do not want to do that I, in fact, dread doing but will, after I post yesterday's outtakes.

Carson City alley

If you need more, go and read about the fascinating origin of the Game of Asha.

Okay. That's it folks. Now move along.