
Local news at 6:23 PM

Rainy day. Even the birds stayed away today. I'm going out tonight to spend a little time with some poet friends of mine, Ash Canyon Poets. To their credit, they still meet every Friday night, even now, after Cowee died. Bill. I miss that guy. Anyway, the way I felt all day, I'd rather go to bed and pull the covers over my head but that's no way to live. Plus, I have a poem for the critique.

Seems I lost a directory full of photos and other miscellany during a recent computer upgrade. Shit. Found this one though. I so know that place.


Roy said...

I hope your poem was well-received. It's good to get out. I went walking around the park--an exercise made all the more rigorous for the lack of snow and ice removal on the walkways. Anyway, a real old fashion trudge, good for burning off breakfast.

Kimberlee said...

What's your poem about?

I know how you feel I dragged my butt out the door to make it to Yoga today but as soon as my feet hit the mat I was glad I did:)

New photos up....very Canadian!


asha said...

Hey Kimberlee. Glad to hear from you. Off the check out the new photos!