
Dylan Ratigan keeps it real

Tired of the lies? MSNBC host Dylan Ratigan will cheer you up. Watch him interview "Tea Party" leader Mark Williams. It is a rare and brilliant journalist who doesn't allow himself to be a tool for lies and hate. Refreshing.


Kimberlee said...

I like that he's mad. It's good to get mad once and awhile get those juices flowing. We're too polite as Canadians I would have listened and then later thought of all these witty and superior things to say, but of course never had the chance to actually say them - good going Mr Ratigan!

asha said...

I wish more journalists would grow a spine. I am so sick of watching media lap dogs nibble dingle berries for a living. They are not only pathetic, it's disgusting.

Kristiana said...

oh you and your colorful language.

asha said...

...and tasty.