
Monkey games

The photos are running behind the trip. Currently we are back in the town of Paleneque after spending a couple of days on the Guatemalan border visiting Mayan sites. However, I got a big kick out of this sequence from the wild life refuge in Tuxtla Gutierrez so am posting them tonight. They are of a young monkey chasing the vultures out of tops of the trees. There are lots of vultures at the reserve. They are fed like everyone else and have lots of places to roost, but seem to enjoy annoying the monkeys by perching in the tops of the trees in their area. This little fellow made quick work of them. Look closely at photos 7 through 10. You will see glimpses of one of the vultures flying off.

Since this we've seen monkeys and crocodiles in the wild. That was wonderful and just this evening I saw a huge green free parrot sitting casually at the lunch counter of a taco stand but didn't have my camera for that one.

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