

When I first saw it, I thought it was a shark

but a friendly stranger explained it was a dolphin
and that seeing one around that particular pier
is a fairly rare occurrence. Beginner's luck, I guess.
A dolphin!

This is just an urban park but
it still has the feel of a real Florida swamp.

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Okay, it's been a long day so that's it for now but, if you'd like to see a few more, I posted some others here.


Roy said...

We visited my father not too far from there and his boat make a large wake that the dolphins would "surf" on, just below the surface. They seemed to be having as much fun as we were.

asha said...

That's really cool. Dolphins are jolly fellows. Which reminds me, the yearly barbaric Japanese dolphin slaughter just began. Please help the dolphins :)

Kimberlee said...

I just subjected my conscious mind to watching "The Cove" and felt depressed for sometime. I love dolphins if Diesel was a marine mammal I think he would be a dolphin but Diesel is a dog and I love him for that:)