One of my friend Lawrence's favorite stories was how his martial arts teacher could shout TEST COMING and always manage to rattle the class and, even though we all knew what he was going to say, whenever Lawrence told the story, we'd also twitch and laugh nervously every time he told it. Turns out Lawrence's test was cancer. He stayed centered right to the end.
Funny how the important memories about our friends are never their incomes or their vocations or stuff like that. It's the stupid stuff they say, the memorable things that made us laugh.
In high school, prior to having the class do sit-ups, the P.E. coach would always holler, "PREPARE YOUR MINDS!"
If I may hijack your comment section to perform an experiment. I am trying to migrate to Wordpress. Out of boredom mostly. I wanted to find out if I could still comment on posts.
Roy, yes. Of course. Hack away.
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