
Rumsfeld's dance with nazis

Following up on Rumsfeld's recent accusation that any American critical of his war on Iraq is a nazi, the NYT just published an article by Frank Rich about Rummy and Saddam. Naturally Rumsfeld didn't embarrass the dictator by criticizing him for torturing political prisoners. I guess there's some kind of twisted honor among sociopaths.

NYT via The Raw Story

" ...what made Rumsfeld's performance special was the preview it offered of the ambitious propaganda campaign planned between now and Election Day. An on-the-ropes White House plans to stop at nothing when rewriting its record of defeat (not to be confused with defeatism) in a war that has now lasted longer than America's fight against the actual Nazis in World War II.

Here's how brazen Rumsfeld was when he invoked Hitler's appeasers to score his cheap points: Since Hitler was photographed warmly shaking Neville Chamberlain's hand at Munich in 1938, the only image that comes close to matching it in epochal obsequiousness is the December 1983 photograph of Rumsfeld himself in Baghdad, warmly shaking the hand of Saddam Hussein in full fascist regalia. Is the defense secretary so self-deluded that he thought no one would remember a picture so easily Googled on the Web? Or worse, is he just too shameless to care?

...Well before Rumsfeld's trip, Amnesty International had reported the dictator's use of torture -- "beating, burning, sexual abuse and the infliction of electric shocks" -- on hundreds of political prisoners. Dozens more had been summarily executed or had "disappeared." American intelligence agencies knew that Saddam had used chemical weapons to gas both Iraqi Kurds and Iranians.

According to declassified State Department memos detailing Rumsfeld's Baghdad meetings, the American visitor never raised the subject of these crimes with his host..."

John Dean on Rumsfeld

"Nazi" and "fascist" are the New Big Buzz Words the neocans are rolling off the talking points assembly line this upcoming election season. These words are intended to fend off the growing awareness that it's the conservatives themselves who are fascist. As usual, the neocans hope to dazzle, baffle and intimidate voters into staying lock step with the party. The problem is that more and more people are catching on to the fact that, as Dean points out, this current government is a "textbook example of authoritarianism".

Rumsfeld's recent accusation that Americans who disagree with the war in Iraq are nazis is typical over the top offensive game they have played all along. The difference is that now the conservatives are getting desperate and sloppy in their effort to stem the tide by lobbing as many accusations of fascism against their critics as possible in an effort to own the word first. Until recently it has worked to boldly declare black is white, hot is cold, wrong is right but the magic has grown thin.

Seems we have reached a state of critical mass as people from both the "left" and "right" finally grasp the fact that the conservatives in power are a very sick blend of Christofascism and corporate fascism and their stubborn resolve is leading us over a cliff.

Karl, Rummy, Dirty Dick and the Bushman depend on team sport politics to support them but the election is not a football game and truth is not a team sport. People are getting tired of waving pennants from the stands as The Deciders run amok on the field. Americans died winning and protecting our right to dissent and this new strategy is designed to crush us into silence. Rumsfeld and company are the Nazis.

Keith Olbermann recently interviewed John Dean on Rumsfeld's Nazi speech. A lot of people have trouble asking simple, direct questions and even more trouble answering them but these guys do an excellent job of it. The only place I have a complaint is about 4 minutes in when Olbermann asked Dean if there can be a bigger threat to our democracy than the repression of open debate, never mind the issue. Seems to me Dean wandered a bit here, focusing on Rummy's speech instead of addressing the larger issue ... that open debate is indispensable for the health of a free society ... but the debate is on whether Rummy likes it or not.

Sad day in bird land

It will be a sad day in the Bird Park for the next 5 days. Mr. Lee is in the final stage of prepping the off-road trailer for painting and asked me to stop putting out seed so I pulled the feeders. Most of the birds have already taken off but throughout the day others drop by and wander around looking baffled and confused that everything has suddenly disappeared. At the moment there's one lone pigeon just standing looking at the empty pool that usually has a happy bather or two by this time of day. I'm leaving the water but will move it to another part of the yard. I know there's plenty of food elsewhere. All the weeds are currently going to seed. It's me that needs them to bring a little life to the suburban monoscape where we are currently living.

Saturday at the Roxy - 09.02

Today I have a couple of pieces by Werner Herzog, one of the great directors of the German new cinema. He is unique, one of my favorites. If you're not that familiar with him here's short article by Michael Atkinson. Or just jump in. The first clip is all the introduction you'll need. But, as this is a matinee, to kick things off first here's a little cartoon by David Firth called...

"In 1981, the last of the hidden tribes that had lived a nomadic life in the remotest parts of the Brazilian rain forest was finally contacted by our civilization. This event propelled a tribal people from a stone-age existence into the world of TV, cars, and big cities."
- Werner Herzog


Slogan contest

Here's a contest for all you word warriors.

Working for Change is looking for a phrase that cuts through the "cut and run" shield conservatives are hiding behind defending their failed policy in Iraq. Anyone with half a brain knows by now that getting out of Iraq is not "cutting and running" but tagging dissenters as cowards has, so far, been pretty effective. It's a war of words. Simplicity is essential. Brevity is not only "the soul of wit". It is the heart of wisdom. Being a very complicated person I'm having a hard time of it. Can you do better? More info and contest rules here.

Ps. Ah.....and speaking of brevity... the contest ends tomorrow.


New space

End of the day. A dog is barking in the distance. At dusk I caught a glimpse of the waxing moon at midheaven and now the stars are out.

I set up another work space in my office today which is amazing because the room is so small. I found the table yesterday at the second hand store, seven bucks, talked down from ten. It fits perfectly so I'm feeling pretty good about things.

And at the moment I'm listening to Low through headphones...

"two-step around the room
kneel down on white

that's not all
voices small
heed them either way they call

and the light, it burns your skin
in a language you don't understand."


Uncle Monkey and Ugly Bear in Otherland

I haven't got time tonight to write a scintillating revelation or grind out a scorching rant. We're going to watch a movie in about 15 minutes. I just have time to finish pounding out quick update about what's been going around the office today.

I hate to say it because he's a nice guy, very likable, but Uncle Monkey is, well, sometimes full of shit. No, I take that back. He's a story teller, not a liar. Anyway, he loves telling Ugly Bear all kinds of wild ass stories and the poor guy believes every word he says. But no harm, I suppose. They enjoy each other's company and don't get into any trouble. Well, much trouble.

I managed to snap a candid shot of them this afternoon when they thought I was out of the room. I don't know what crazy yarn Uncle Monkey was spinning but Ugly Bear was transfixed. Looks like it had something to do with the book but we'll never know. As soon as they heard the click of my camera they looked up and Uncle Monkey became veeeery quiet.

Nice book though, wouldn't you say? I got it for 13 cents at the second hand store this weekend. I was already reading the crappy paperback version with tiny print that was hard to read to the end of the inside line when I found this one. In case you're wondering why I got it for such an insanely low price it's because Saturday was Half Price Day.


Note to the future self

Don't change the template for this blog yet. I tried out the new features on one of my other blogs and found out that Blogger hasn't activated html editing yet. Very bad. They're only allowing access to templates at the moment, slick but too limited.

Beta blogger

It's been out for a couple of weeks but I just switched to the new beta Blogger format. It's a mad thing for me to do but it had to be done. Mad because I will now waste even more time screwing around with templates but there's no going back. Once you switch, that's it. No return. I haven't started fiddling yet but I'm sure I'll be down in the rat hole soon enough. My kind a fun/nightmare. There's a helpful link on the upgrade at BotHack if you're interested.


Saturday at the Roxy - Weird Day

Today is Weird Day at the Roxy. A few friends of mine just showed up from Mexico bound for Burning Man, reminding me it's that time of year again. Burning Man, for all it's strut and fret, sham and flim flam, is still a feast for the eyes and, if nothing else, the desert will restore some perspective on the ephemeral nature and tenuous hold we have in the universe. Also, Burning Man is in Nevada and therefore it is only right to honor this prestigious, local event. But first a word from one of today's fine sponsors...

Before going to Burning Man
you'll want to get a costume together
and for all your costume needs,
I always recommend ...

Shaye's Thrift Store
03:15 YouTube

Now on to...

Burning Man
06:42 YouTube

Today's Feature Presentation:

Elephants Dream

"Elephants Dream is the world's first open movie, made entirely with open source graphics software such as Blender, and with all production files freely available to use however you please. The short film was created by the Orange Open Movie Project studio in Amsterdam during 2005/2006, bringing together a diverse team of artists and developers from all over the world."


Off-road dreaming

Today Mr. Lee is working on the off-road trailer he picked up a couple of months ago in Idaho. He's going to take the tent off the top of the jeep and put it on the trailer. That way we can make a base camp and explore further with the jeep without having to break camp to do it. All the birds are pissed. The little ones keep darting in and grabbing a few sunflower seeds but even they can't take the noise and comotion for long. It's causing me a bit anxiety as well, but not because of the noise. Fixing up this trailer means that now we will be able to get deeper and stay longer in the Great Basin than ever, a prospect over which I have mixed feelings.

I love and hate disappearing into Nevada's outback and disappear we do. I love it because it's fun, breathtakingly beautiful and it's a great cleansing for body, mind and spirit. A few days out and I finally get out my head and to my heart. Even Bush, if I think of him at all, resumes his true form, a mere bloodsucking tick painfully embedded in world's collective ass.

And I love seeing, being, knowing that I am walking on the living planet, not property. People who don't understand the desert think ugh ... brown dead wasteland. All the better. They must stay away. Go to the lovely beach resort. The clean, fun campground. Go visit relatives. Even those that do understand the glory of this wild solitude should go somewhere else. I want it all for us. It's fun pretending to be the only people on the planet ... explorers of a lost, living world in a universe far, far away. It's a great fantasy and finding thousands of years old human artifacts coughed up by spring flooding only adds a post-apocalyptic thrill of it all.

The problem is that we really are out there and, if we get hurt, break an ankle, wrench a knee, run out of gas, food and/or water it might as well be true.I think about these things. Of course Mr. Lee is a savvy outdoorsman. We are fucking prepared, I'll tell you that. And he reminds me of that when, after a day or two, I stop writing and snapping photos and begin silently staring at the horizon ringing us fifty miles out and start talking about how we are bugs cupped under a foreign sky and locked in a vanishing point were, if the slightest thing goes wrong, we will surely die. He reminds me we have food and water for a month but I'm never convince that's enough, that probably we'd die long before some desert rat or drunken hunter happens by. Which is to say I'm a chickenshit but it's been so long since we've camping that these days I catch myself visually following a dirt road up into the nearby hills. I don't talk about it much. Don't want to appear too eager. We'll be there soon enough but the truth is I miss it. Where else will I meet a team of noble Great While Pyrenees caring for their flock? They were so cool, I just wish I'd had some food handy. They seemed hungry.


Madame Rolla

As I have now done four political rants in a row, it seemed time to give the few, rare people who manage to make their way to the language barrier a break so, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I give you ...

Madame Rolla, dancer extraordinare

Backfire in Iraq

Casualties in Iraq

Bush's big gun war on terror totally backfired but this idiot hasn't got the brains or the balls to admit it. He led us into a dead end yet insists we "stay the course". He's too stupid to see that, like the government's war on drugs, this war on terror boomeranged, increasing rather than decreasing the problem. In fact, if you compare them, it's clear that both "wars" use the same strategy, blast the hell out of an enemy that multiplies on contact.

Regan's War on Drugs:
  • Making drugs illegal automatically fosters an insanely profitable, irresistible underground economy that will only deflate when drugs are legalized and regulated.
  • This so-called war spawned a costly yet ineffective bureaucracy that is now entrenched in a sick, symbiotic relationship with the underground drug culture.
  • This loop is self-perpetuating.

Bush's War on Terror:
  • Terror is a feeling. You can't wage a war on a feeling.
  • The Bushites nurture a culture of terror in order to get support and funding for their "war on terror".
  • Bush's "big gun" approach to the terrorist underground kills and maims more innocent citizens than terrorists.
  • The survivors feel resentment and rage towards us and sympathy for the terrorists as "freedom fighters".
  • People in other countries increasingly share this rage and resentment towards the US.
  • This loop is self-perpetuating.

There's no quick fix. Iraq is now mired in a civil war. Bush's legacy. It could last for generations. Oops. But I'm not one to pine in silence waiting for an invitation to share my opinion...

My action short list:
  • Bring our troops home now.
  • Leave diplomats there.
  • Clean house here.
  • Impeach Bush and Cheney now.
  • Throw them into a big hole like say ...
  • San Quentin
  • Throw fascist buddies including Rove and Rummy in after them.
  • Throw the key away.
  • Renounce US imperialism.
  • Rebuild America.

    My motto



Is Bush is an idiot?

The question in this CNN segment is whether or not President Bush is an idiot. If you haven't see it check it out. I'd say it's an historical and appropriate question.

YouTube link

The answer? Yes! Naturally. Bush is an idiot but he's so much more. He is a maniacal ChristoFascist with more destructive power at his command than any other human being on the planet. That's a hair-raising thought in itself, a horror compounded by the fact that his vision of Armageddon shapes and guides both is domestic and foreign policy. It wouldn't be so bad if Bush were merely the village idiot but he's also a fascist, criminal mob boss with unlimited wealth and power at his quivering fingertips. Lovely.


12 signs of fascism - No. 1

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.”~ Benito Mussolini

Many of the politicians currently controlling the US are fascist. Don't believe it? Compare the 12 signs of Fascism with the actions of  leaders.

No. 1 from the 12 signs of Fascism

1. Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism. From the prominent displays of flags and bunting to the ubiquitous lapel pins, the fervor to show patriotic nationalism, both on the part of the regime itself and of citizens caught up in its frenzy, is always obvious. Catchy slogans, pride in the military, and demands for unity are common themes in expressing this nationalism. It is usually coupled with a suspicion of things foreign that often borders on xenophobia.

fascist republicanism


Bush choking on his own bullshit

Bush is learning the hard way you can only spread bullshit so thin. Ha ha. 00:23

via onegoodmove


Ephemera at dawn, Plonk at 2

A magpie woke me early this morning with a short, loud call. My head was filled with ephemera floating deliciously within reach ... words, connections, images waiting as I slipped out of bed. I grabbed my pencil, and notebook but even with those small movements, the stillness broke and the moment faded.

Now it's another hot afternoon. On the upside, Plonk stopped by, traveling alone as usual. Other than the girlfriend he had a couple of years ago seems he doesn't mingle much with the local pigeons. I also keep to myself so we are birds of a feather. Our paths only crossed when he ended up in the middle of the street one fateful afternoon, after he hit a car. He ate, bathed, rested in the greenery awhile then took off.

Just after Plonk left a tiny bird landed outside my window and spent a few minutes watching me through the screen. They do that from time to time,
the little guys, never the big ones.


Saturday at the Roxy - 08.19

It's Saturday again, time for the MATINEE!

Hold on to your seat. Today we begin with a little animation by Allen Becker called Which side are you on?

This week at the Roxy I'm featuring one of my favorite writer performers, Ricky Gervais. He's a Brit so you may not have heard of him but he starred in, co-wrote and co-produced The Office, a sitcom first broadcast in 2001 on BBC2. He's hilarious, if you like dry humor. As he's not that well known in the US we begin with Jon Stewart...

Now on to the Main Feature...

Rick Gervais in:

That's it for now. Remember now kids ...
walk don't run to the nearest exit.

MInerva strikes again

I served the last of the those horrible, organic, frozen waffles in the Bird Park this morning. Eating healthy is an acquired taste. Anyway, as usual Minerva and her partner showed up almost immediately. She must always have her eye on the place. In less time than it took me to doctor this image they (and the waffles) are gone. No video. I'm sure that's a big disappointment. You'll just have to use your imagination but check back later for Saturday at the Roxy.

image derived from Crow’s Nest II by Inge Mardal and Steen Hougs


Dog massacre

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated ... I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man. Mahatma Gandhi

China is a very old country with history stretching back over 4,000 years but despite all the glorious achievements of which it is so proud, human rights are non-existent, what to speak of animal rights. The plight of animals in China again came under international scrutiny when around 55,000 dogs were murdered in mass hangings and clubbing during the government's recent "antirabies" campaign.

Barbaric doesn't even being to cover it. There is, however, a sliver of light in this monstrous dark. Pet owners, the same people who slavishly participated in the massacre, have begun to mobilize. They are protesting online and circulating petitions, in an effort to stop further killings. Here's an excerpt from an article Howard W. French on the story for the New York Times ...

"In fact, discussion of the issue has surpassed the bounds of a simple conversation about petsÂ’ rights, with many commentators sharply questioning a system that could order the mass extermination of dogs, whether or not they are licensed and vaccinated. The reaction of groups and individuals, often through the Internet, also provides a striking illustration of the emergence of true public opinion in China, unmediated by the official press or censors."

In this country, Bush and his fellow nazis conservatives have put animal rights groups on their terrorist watch list. China knows. In a corporate police state there is no room for compassion or rights, human or otherwise. To such governments, an act of kindness may be considered an act of civil disobedience.

"The human spirit is not dead. It lives on in secret . . . It has come to believe that compassion, in which all ethics must take root, can only attain its full breadth and depth if it embraces all living creatures and does not limit itself to mankind."
Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Peace Prize address: The Problem of Peace in the World Today



Image doping

I took this photo of Mt. Shasta on our way to Oregon this weekend, but as people are touchy lately about doctored photos, I want to warn you that I doped the image. I didn't change it much, just cleared up the haziness and brought out the color of the mountain a tiny bit, but photo isn't the "way it was", whatever that was.

I have to laugh though about all the fuss over doctored images. What do people expect? Take televsion for example. Seconds of TV time cost tens of thousands of dollars but "news" items air for free, courtesy of the sponsors. Truth in reporting? My god! How naive is that? It blows my mind. What are people thinking? That politicians and multi-billion dollar corporations are honest? When the White House releases a photo of Bush it's as staged and phony as any Hollywood poster ever was. It's called Perception Management ... Truth®. "Photo ops"? Come on. It's the fine art of using the camera to lie. Yes! Cameras lie. Movies lie. We all know it but want to believe the news anyway, as though somehow Big Media holds our trust sacred. Viewer beware. If that blows your cookie, wah-fucking-wah. Sober up.

I've always preferred Eastern Philosophy because at least it gives main stage to the idea that so-called "reality" is maya or illusion. But materialists don't want to know that, spoils the fun, plus it's a lot of work using your brain when you're hypnotized. Then add the extra difficulty of facing reality when you're an idiot in the first place. People like nice, spoon-fed American Dreams, pablum for the lazy mind, so now we're up to our eyeballs in lies and outraged when we notice that fact. Crazy, but as the saying goes, "nothing changes if nothing changes" and I must say, harsh as it sounds, change is a hell of a lot harder when you're hooked up to the brain drain.

tv images courtesy of TurnOffYourTV

photography politics


Elephant Sanctuary update

Probably you don't think about elephants very often but I regularly follow the lives of several at the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee. Today the August eTrunklines included a final report of the tragic accident that happened there last month. Perhaps you too will find it interesting.
Joanna Burke was the primary caregiver for the elephants over the last eight years. It was her dream come true. Sadly this July, in a single tragic moment, Winkie the elephant knocked her down and crushed her. Joanna died instantly.

After an investigation it was determined that the incident was accidental and that the Sanctuary's standards continue to be impeccable. Winkie will not be put down (yeah!), a decision also fully supported by Joanna's family. It was also Joanna's often expressed desire that no harm should come to any elephant no matter what their action. What a terrible loss for everyone that such a fine person died so young.

eTrunkLines also carried the happy news that Misty just completed her year long treatment for tuberculosis and enjoyed a special party which included her favorite treats and plenty of playful silliness.

Also good news, Delhi is enjoying the custom elephant shoes Teva donated to the Sanctuary for Tina who was suffering from osteomyelitis (acquired during her bad old days at a zoo). It's nice to see the shoes are finally getting some use. Unfortunately Tina died suddenly of undetected heart disease before she could use them.

So that's it. The news of the day here at the Language Barrier. At least it's not disheartening like news about Bush & Co. I don't know about you but I need to hear stories of love and compassion, even sad ones.

Joanne and Tina

Pic of the day - Geese float


Going backwards

As Saturday has passed and gone I have to post something just to release the Roxy to the backward flow. I'm home from Oregon and at the moment eating soy bologna stuffed in a pita pocket and seasoned with soy mayo, salt and pepper. I'm not a full-blown vegan but after watching the video narrated by Alex Baldwin I moved a couple of ticks further along that continuum ... meaning I'm trying out new things ... rice cream, vegan "butter" and "mayo". I'll let you know how it goes. So far, the mayo gets two spoons up but the rice cream sandwiches are in the trash. Tasty but too sweet and too many calories. I should have bought the plain rice dream or soy ice "cream". All I wanted was something ice something or other, not a cold cookie. Besides they are minuscule for 100 calories. Bah!

We had a good and quick visit in Oregon. I didn't try to do everything which is the great secret for a short trip. But the big news is that I did a full revolution on the recumbent at the gym today! I know that's not mind-boggling like Brent and Eivind's adventure riding through Canada on a homemade recumbent attached an old couch but it was a breakthrough for me. I'm delighted even though, so far, I can only do it going backwards.

Also, if anyone knows which poem the quote below is from I'd really appreciate hearing from you. Thanks.

"On clear days such as these..."


Saturday at the Roxy 12.08

As David Letterman was one of the topics this week here at the language barrier, it only seemed right to include something from the Late Show on the marquee so to kick things off sit back and enjoy Napoleon Dynamite as he presents the day's Top Ten List...

The next clip is from David Attenborough. It's a fantastic ... bird video. Consider it an amend to those of you who have suffered through the Bird Park thrillers. I hope you trust me enough to give it a play. I guarantee, it's well worth your time.

Theatre isn't really complete without music so here's William Shatner (he's actually pretty good) doing

I didn't intend to make this "Bird Saturday" but the next amazing real life adventure is also about a crow ... and a kitten.

If you want extra points check out this final video. It's not just a science lesson. It's mind boggling. If you think you're up for it, try wrapping your head around

This link is now fixed. Sorry for the confusion.