
Saturday at the Roxy - Dexter, Puppet Rapist, Skidboot

Welcome to the Roxy.

Dexter's Lab - Dexter's Rival

Puppet Rapist #3


Bunny's letter

Pinky (finally) got a letter from Bunny and is she ever happy. She's been showing it to everybody. She even persuaded me to post the news here at the language barrier which the whole troupe heartily endorsed as they're getting a little tired of hearing about it. They are a pretty cynical bunch but happy for her. I don't know about this Bunny fellow though, if his friend Slippo is any indication. And what's up with that banana? Well, at least he didn't suggest they meet in a bar.


Iraq for Sale

I just got back from Tahoe where I attended a MoveOn.org house party. We made calls encouraging people to vote in the upcoming election, ate and then watched the video Iraq for Sale , a really irritating documentary. It exposes the brazen greed of our "conservative" government. It is staggering. STAGGERING .... mercenary corporations like Dick Cheney's Halliburton partnered with their stooges in Washington, Bush and Company, have bilked American tax payers of billions of dollars in "Cost Plus" overruns not to mention the insufferable tragedy of so many lives lost, and so many more hopelessly ruined in their jagged swath. It's criminal and the whores in Congress rubber stamp every bit of it ... for a cut. These guys have got to go!



I was privileged to see a coyote at the base of the Sierra this morning ... gray and angular, moving in time lapse precision through the grass. Seeing one is to me an omen of a good day.

Republican 3 point plan

The Republican 3 point plan:

When that fails ...
When that fails ...
Skivvy bastards!

Global warming.
Over a half a million citizens dead from war in Iraq.
Sexual abuse of minors by Republican Congressman.
Sexual abuse of minors covered up by Republican leaders.
Congressmen pimping their votes to lobbyists.
The President of the United States is insane.
Fill in the blank ___________________________.
Don't worry. Lie about it!

If you let the Republicans buy you off with their "tax cuts"
you are no better.

Saturday at the Roxy - Lil' Superstar, Puppet Rapist, Desiderata

Welcome to the Roxy.

Little Superstar has become wildly popular
on YouTube since he first appeared here a few weeks
ago so he returns today for an encore in the following
clips from of the same Tamil film, Adhisayappiravi.

If you want more, there's another fight scene here. In case you'd like to personally own this Tamil classic, you can purchase it here for a mere $16.95. Without ruining anything, here's a plot summary I found on the site:

Rajni, is supposed to marry Sheeba, an alliance not approved of by her father. He is killed and goes to Heaven only to learn that his death was a mistake. He is offered another body to inhabit,that of a timid villager whose uncle and aunt are plotting to kill him. He takes up the offer and teaches them a lesson while romancing with Kanaga. But coming into contact with some characters from his earlier life, reminds him of his duties over there too. He solves all problems and all's well that end well.

Now we turn to Channel to 101 for
another exciting episode of
Puppet Rapist - #2
about 5 minutes

After all this violence and tension it only seems fitting
to conclude today's show with this charming short by
Claudia Lauricella (story), Marco Perugini (animation),
and Goran Bregovic (playing Vivaldi).
I hope you enjoyed the show.

about 01:30


Friday the 13th

While looking for something else I came across an audio clip of a poem I wrote sometime this summer and just posted it (quick and dirty) to my website. It kind of fits the mood of the day or should I say night...

If you are viewing this page with FireFox
you may have to open the link
in Internet Explorer to hear this clip.


Day in a peanut shell

Long day in Reno. I thought I had an appointment with the knee doctor but there was a scheduling mix up and I have to go back tomorrow. I'll make a day of it if the weather's nice. We had a pretty good snow here last night, not in the valley but right down to the bottom of the Sierras. It's the first one worth counting this year. It rained here ... Oregon style. The 7am magpie was even late for breakfast but when we got home this afternoon I see someone scooped up the goodies.

No big adventures to report at the moment but Mr. Lee has finally finished revamping the off-road trailer, it's looks pretty slick, so at some point we'll do a little back country camping, whatever I can do given the current limitations of my knee. We're also planning a trip to L.A. and will stay in a campground there. That should be interesting. Now, he's back to scheming about sailing the Sea of Cortez. I, on the other hand, have a deep seated, admittedly irrational, fear of drowning so that sounds a bit risky to me but I have to admit that exploring the Sea of Cortez sounds kinda fun. Just no deep sea voyages please although he keeps telling me that sailing is the most dangerous in sight of land. Ah well. One dream/nightmare at a time.

One last thing. I've been getting completely hammered with spam the last few days. Hundreds of emails in one shot. It's a drag. Spammers are total scumbags.


Saturday at the Roxy - Puppets, Hamlet and Roy

Welcome to the matinee. At the moment I'm sitting in Dreamer's Cafe in Reno having a cup of coffee and posting this on my crippled old lap top with corrupt Java so, at least until I get home and can use my regular computer, I'll have to do without the graphics, spell checker, even font resizing. I know only the most rudimentary HTML and, on my own, am a crappy speller. Life in the rough.

Nevertheless, it's a special day as one of the rare Roxy regulars is celebrating his birthday this Saturday, something that only happens every seven years, give or take leap years I suppose. I'm not an expert on the calendar. At any rate, this one's for you (it make take a moment to load so be patient) ...

Have a great day, trip and year



As the Roxy is modeled after the old Saturday afternoon matinee, serial stories are supposed to be a regular feature. Keeps the little darlings clamouring back each week to see what happens next and buy popcorn and bon bons (which, sadly, have since become extinct). I don't have such sinister motives. I just like serials and hope you do too. As there isn't a new episode of The Defenders of Stan yet, I'm going to start a second serial. This one is already complete so we'll be able to power though this one. Five shows...five weeks.

about 5 minutes

As it's Roy's birthday I debated long and hard over this next one. Cakey! The Cake From Outer Space or Cat Head Theatre? I decided Cakey ran the birthday theme into the ground plus Roy's a writer so I went with this excerpt from Hamlet.


That's it for the day. Hope you enjoyed the show. If you haven't voted for the Hero of the Year yet, be sure and do it before you go! The elephants thank you.



I brought the clock back in from the garage today. I put it out there last winter because I got sick of listening to it tick. The sound of its blunt second hand goose stepping circles around the face bothered me. It still does. It's a cheap plastic clock I bought used for two dollars. It would be a better clock if it stopped all together. Nicer yet if Time stopped with it for a while so I could get off the train and stretch ... limber up ... flex my knee a bit.

I had a friend in Oregon named Joey, an old Sicilian fellow who grew up in New York City. Hard life. Killed a man in prison in a fight over a loaf of bread. Nice though. Joey wouldn't hurt a fly willingly. He paid me to clean his apartment just before he died. It was filled with clocks, mostly pendulum clocks, small ones, wall models, desk models, and a couple of grandfather clocks, all in a very tiny place. Joey was a dealer at an antique mall and found them on his rounds through flea markets, yard sales and second hand stores, but they we nice. He had an eye. The clocks were unsettling though because they all ticked very loudly and no two were set exactly the same. This was especially puzzling because Joey was a fastidious fellow, not one to miss the fact that each clock marked a different hour with its chimes or coo-coo. What made it even more strange was that during his last year I kept sensing that Joey was getting ready, wanted to die, nothing specific, just something about him and the clocks reinforced that impression. It seemed they were busy measuring, from their different perspectives, how much time he had left in an effort to synthesize a universal hour from all his overlaps and contradictions.

In that last year Joey had reconnected with an old lover from Paris, Queenie. He met her during the war when he was a deserter instead of going to Normandy. He went back to France determined to finally face the beach and the ghosts that had haunted him all his life but, although they hadn't talked for 50 years, hooked up with Queenie instead. She still loved him. They made plans for her to come to America and live with him. And the clocks. Instead he died. Pneumonia. Dead in a week. It didn't surprise me. Tomorrow I'm going to put that clock back out in the garage.


Dirt bath party

Yesterday the little birds had a huge dirt bath party in the bird park. Nevada has excellent dirt for such things, powdery and light. There must have been 25 or 30 of them rolling around, doing flips, cartwheels and dirt angels. They had a great time. This morning again, it's business as usual. The first bird to arrive for breakfast is one, lone, very quiet magpie. She generally gets the first swoop at the goodies and today was no exception. Unfortunately, she even beat me to the park. I was in my office splitting open a few peanuts when she arrived. She came in low and fast, landed for about 2 seconds, looked around ...no peanuts... and took off. The peanuts are out there now, of course. Maybe she'll do a second pass.

Predictably, the next bird to arrive (he just left) is a single crow. He does the same thing every day. There are the peanuts, cracked open and spilled temptingly on to the ground. He hops along the fence, makes dive toward the ground , panics, pulls up and goes back to the fence, looks at the peanuts for a couple more moments, does another dive or two, then flies away, cawing like crazy. Too bad.

The next to arrive are the pigeons. Today, I put a little seed out for them. I generally just leave them to find the sunflower seeds the finches spill from the feeders but I suppose this morning I was making up for missing the magpie. Anyway, the finches and the black birds also also arrive at this point. The show is fully underway now, a little black guy is nibbling the nuts. For some reason, the pigeons never never touch them.

So, off to the gym. I seem to have hurt my knee overworking it a few days ago. It was pretty stiff after the drive to Oregon last week that when I got back on the recumbant it felt so much better, they call it motion lotion at the PT, that after the first half an hour, I did another and 45 minutes the next day. It's been popping ever since. I always over do things. Damn. I hope I didn't set myself back. They keep telling me that after this kind of surgery it takes up to a year for the knee to heal. No skiing this winter.


Dog's world

Here's a nice little video by a guy calling himself Raggedfeather that definitely lifted my spirits, something I much appreciated after focusing so much on the news for the last few days. Perhaps you will like it too. Nice handle, Raggedfeather. Anyway, for what's it's worth, here's the most soothing exerience I had all day.


Party loyality, GOP style

Republicans had a feeding frenzy over Clinton's affair with a 22 year old woman yet they tolerated, even protected, fellow Republican Mark Foley's secret sex life with underage boys.

I wonder if the Gay Old Party will play their Blame Bill Get out of Jail Free card over this. Wouldn't surprise me. They've proven they have no conscience or shame and will do and say anything to avoid the consequences of their actions.


Cafferty: "What are we becoming?"

Excerpt from Cafferty's comments ...

"President Bush is trying to pardon himself. Here's the deal: Under the War Crimes Act, violations of the Geneva Conventions are felonies, in some cases punishable by death. When the Supreme Court ruled that the Geneva Convention applied to al Qaeda and Taliban detainees, President Bush and his boys were suddenly in big trouble. They've been working these prisoners over pretty good. In an effort to avoid possible prosecution they're trying to cram this bill through Congress before the end of the week before Congress adjourns. The reason there's such a rush to do this? If the Democrats get control of the House in November this kind of legislation probably wouldn't pass.

You wanna know the real disgrace about what these people are about to do or are in the process of doing? Senator Bill Frist and Congressman Dennis Hastert and their Republican stooges apparently don't see anything wrong with this. I really do wonder sometimes what we're becoming in this country."


Bunny's bad company

Roy mentioned that perhaps Bunny, who is nearly illiterate, turned to Uncle Monkey for help answering Pinky's letter o' love. Roy doesn't trust Uncle Monkey and thinks that's why she still hasn't received a reply. I don't completely trust Uncle Monkey either but I don't get the feeling he's malicious. Clearly he's indolent and full of bull but I think he's basically a harmless guy. I could be wrong. Anyway, I looked into it. As it turns out, Roy was on to something. Bunny has been hanging out with some shady characters but not Uncle Monkey or Ugly Bear. He's hanging out with Mr. Lee and that crazy monkey guy who wears a mask and cape and screams when he flys. Flipo. I managed to sneak some undercover photos of what's going on over in their "office". Poor Bunny. The guy's a total innocent in some definitely baaaaaaaaaad dude company.

The photos confirm that he got Pinky's letter. In them you can clearly see that he's holding her heart-shaped check box reply form. But obviously Bunny's not going to be getting help filling it out any time soon. Seems the main order of the day over there is spanking the local librarians who aren't keeping Mr. Lee supplied with fantasy books fast enough.



Pinky's string of blue Tuesdays

Pinky's got the blues. She's been waiting for a letter from Bunny for a couple of months but he hasn't sent a word. Admittedly Bunny's a bit of a goof but Pinky is head over heels for him. She wrote him a letter a while ago asking if he would like to meet her but, you know, zip. She's been sitting in the letterbox waiting to hear back from him ever since. She even sent him a pink, heart shaped answer card with yes or no check boxes to make it easier for him to reply. He's nearly illiterate. I don't know what's worse, a rejection or being completely ignored. Rejection is certainly painful but at least you get an answer, a little recognition. And I hate to even mention this but the brazen Mdme. Rollo may be after Bunny and, being a hot cabaret dancer, she has no problem asserting, flaunting, herself. She expects to get what, and who, she wants. I hope she hasn't made a move on Bunny. He'd be no match for her. I feel helpless watching this sad little drama. They say that true love wins in the end but does it?


Saturday at the Roxy - equinox celebration

Welcome to the Roxy.

Friday night marked the exact moment of the Autumn Equinox (21:03 hours) and therefore the official beginning of fall so I'm celebrating the occasion all weekend. Unfortunately, although people have observed this event for thousands of years, they haven't done many videos on the subject. At least I only found a few instructive clips on equinox mechanics and a couple of excepts from horribly saccharine "new age" circles jerks. I'm hoping instead that you will help out this week by participating in the festivities. If you will be so kind you can kick things off. All you have to do is ...

pretend you are made of pipe cleaners and

(Buttons A - F for music. I like F.)

Dance lasts 00:01 or up until your fingers fall off.

Now on to the main feature.
This video is one of the top five shows
in Channel 102's last screening...

Viewing the Defenders of Stan


It's seems only fitting to end with more dancing.
After all the equinox is a festive occasion.

Little Superstar


Autumn Equinox

Summer's End
Happy Autumn!


Boiling mud pots and the Golden Shadow.

Mt. Lassen summit

We took a new route home from Oregon today, California Hwy. 89 through the Shasta Cascade region. The road took us right by the base of Mt. Lassen, an active volcano with a summit of 10,500 feet. It is the only mountain in the Cascades besides Mount St. Helens to have erupted during the 20th Century. It was not only a beautiful drive but a way to avoid road work in the mountains and traffic in Reno and Carson City. I made a short video for you of one of the mountain's many boiling mud pots. Over the sound of the wind you'll hear the mud bubbling in the hole. Don't worry. You're not missing anything from this angle. You can't see anything looking directly into the pit because of all the steam.

Okay. That's it for tonight. Now I've got to rejoin my little band of friends currently gathering in Otherland's City of the Golden Shadow. Things are very tense there at the moment. I've only got a few pages left in the book out of a four part set but I've got volume two ready to go.

Boiling mud pot - Mt. Lassen

mt. lassen otherland


Think, damn it!

We're off to Oregon in the morning for a brief family visit. While I'm gone, Keith will keep you company. Now Georgie, you be a good lil' buckaroo and do like Keith says, apologize to the country.

John Amato posted the complete transcript of Olbermann's comments at CrooksandLiars.


Party party

A couple of photos from
Mr. Lee's birthday party the other day.

First it was work work work then play play play.

That thing is a flying monkey wearing a cape and a mask.

I partially re-opened the Bird Park today as Mr. Lee is nearly done with all his backyard projects. He has just a few more details left on the trailer, reattach tail lights, hook the breaks back up etc. ... and there's one last section of fence that still needs weatherizing but he did the bird park today... first. He's alwasy a very thoughtful fellow. As soon as he finished I hung up two feeders. A couple of little birds dropped in at dusk and they each had one to themselves. Tomorrow I'm putting out treats for the BIG PARTY.


George W. Bush, torture chief

As any intelligent person you are no doubt aware that right now President Bush is feverishly trying to legalize torture ... to cover his own sorry ass. My son did a National Guard rotation overseas not long age so this fraud's latest craven, grandstand bullshit especially pisses me off.

No matter that he's an idiot, as President of the United States, George W. Bush is ultimately responsible for the gruesome, ongoing torture of POWs in US prison camps wherever they're located. The fact that the Geneva Convention classifies torture as illegal has never stopped him but it's finally beginning to catch up with the bastard. Sane people are demanding Bush be stopped and brought to justice. Naturally Bush expects the Republicans ruling Congress to do what they always do, rubberstamp his actions and retroactively make whatever criminal thing he's doing ... legal.

If Congress goes along with this coward they are worse than he is. You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. Passing Bush's pro-torture legislation would simultaneously sanction the torture of American troops. Abu Ghraib would a model rather than a national disgrace. Once again Keith Olbermann stands up to the madness. Thank you. My response is less measured but then hell has no fury like a mother's rage. If Congress does support Bush's scheme, I hope the fuckwits rot with him in the same very special hell he's already created for himself.

Saturday at the Roxy - from Orson Wells to Salad finger and beyond

Welcome to the Roxy. Our host today is none other than 20th Century great Orson Wells - actor, writer, director, producer, artist, genius, alcoholic. His performance in the 1938 radio broadcast of H.G. Wells "War of the World's" the day before Halloween is legendary. Millions of people, the greater part of the nation, believing his simulated live news broadcast, panicked thinking Earth had been invaded by mechanized war machines from Mars.

Orson Wells acting out his famous
War of the Worlds radio broadcast
for Mercury Theatre on the Air.

Now a word from Orson


The News


The latest from Salad Fingers at Fat-Pie...
PULCE: The Good Times

over 5 minutes

And to wrap things up for today here's a new release from
Half Moon Theatre Company:
Wonderful World


Bird park - 2 weeks later

It's cold now and still no bird park. This has gone on too long. The descendants of the dinosaurs are getting pissed.


The critique

I finally got the critique of the poems I entered in the Nevada Arts Council Artist Fellowship Program last spring. It took long enough. If you are one of the rare regular readers here you perhaps remember I was not awarded the $5000 grant but you may have been on the edge of your keyboard waiting for the judge's commentary to arrive. Well, probably not. I'd forgotten all about it myself. At any rate, in keeping with my dedication to truth and transparency here at the language barrier, I'm posting the panels comments (there were two judges), as is (including typos) just as I did last year. If nothing else, it's another item for the alien's data bank who cleverly gave us this technology knowing we will freely pour our hearts out into the void.


Application Number 331
Discipline / Category Literary Art - Poetry

Panel Comments

Found these poems intriguing, mysterious. Especially liked "Skin Trade"

Some strong imagistic details: "an old man...gulping like a fish," the synesthesia of "leathery squeak," "dusty clods of petals and wax." These poems are strongest when centered in image; where rhetoric outweighs image, they become slightly less so. The poems are consistent in tone: ominous, detached. The poet should trust in his/her image making to convey this surreal landscape without the need for flatter discursive passages such as the opening lines of "Road's Eye View" and "Skin Trade."

Interesting since (their misuse of word) of mystery remind me of some surrealist French poems. The musically did not work for me. There was not much effort to create a song pattern that work as part of the package.

Stunning images very surreal, but at the heart surreal there is a process of uncovering a deeper reality, a deeper meaning. I'm not quite sure what the poems were cohesively adding up to. The language was inventive and creative thematically but not quite there.

"Discursive passages"? Okay. But "not much effort to create a song pattern that work as part of the package"? Package? As in word product? I'm glad these guys don't get it.


Nothing to hide, everything to protect

Excerpt from "The Grave"
"Oft in the lone church yard at night I've seen,
By glimpse of moonshine chequering thro' the trees,
The school boy, with his satchel in his hand,
Whistling aloud to bear his courage up,
And lightly tripping o'er the long flat stones,
(With nettles skirted, and with moss o'ergrown,)
That tell in homely phrase who lie below."

"I have nothing to hide."

This is the standard answer when someone defends Republicans spying on us without a proper warrant. Otherwise intelligent people totally miss the point thinking it doesn't matter as long as the person spied on is innocent. I marvel at their ignorance. Their passivity stuns me. Either these people are whistling past the graveyard or they are as clueless as animals chew their cuds in the slaughterhouse.

Our Constitutional guarantee of privacy is violated when the government spies on us without a warrant and that, my friend, is a Big Deal. It should be a clue that the conservatives do not want anyone monitoring them when they spy on us. This is because they want secret, full, unrestricted access to all our phone conversations, emails, downloads, credit and banking records. They want to know what we buy, what books we check out at the library, the groups we belong to, and the people with whom we spend personal time. They want to be able to imprison anyone, at any time, for no stated reason, deny the accused access to the evidence held against them and even deny the defendant the right to attend their own trial. Far fetched? You bet it is. It's totalitarianism, baby. Fascism.

Bush & Co are bringing America Fascism on the installment plan. Their illegal actions and our passiveness have created an environment toxic to democracy and freedom. When we stand on the sidelines and let the Republicans disassemble our Constitution we are letting them destroy the very thing that defines and protects us as free people.

"What does it matter? I have nothing to hide." We may have nothing to hide but we sure as hell have something to protect.


Countdown 9/11 Special Commentary

Keith Olbermann blasts Bush calling him and his supporters "grasping, opportunistic dilettantes at best and at worst idiots." I say screw the either/or because they're all that.People are so mesmerized by the Republican spin machine but the fact is emperor has no brain and he's driving the bus off the cliff. Check out CrooksandLiars.com for the link. The complete transcript of speech is also available at crooksandliars.

Bush, our pet goat

September 11, 2006

9/11: Why did Bush sit reading "My Pet Goat" and ignore the news that the country was under attack? And why did he mire us in this trumped-up war on Iraq instead of going after Osama bin Laden who was the master mind behind 9/11?

Watch our pet goat read as America burns.

Bird Park blues

The Bird Park is a sad place these days. The trailer is taking much longer than expected. It shouldn't surprise me how long a do-it-yourself project ends up taking but it always does. The bed liner is on. It looks great and now the only thing left is to paint the outside and Mr. Lee is doing the prep for that today.

At this point the bird feeders have been down for over a week but every morning a little band of pigeons continue to gather just after day break on the roof of Dick's house to see if their world has been restored. I guess all pigeons are homing pigeons. When the feeders are up the finches gobble away at them from dawn to dusk and spew seed chips on the ground for everybody else. Mr. Lee assures me that it should only a few more days before the trailer is done and my little artifical environment can return to it's own form of normal. I hope so. Otherwise it's pretty quiet here in suburblandia.